Where to Find Helpful, Accurate Resources on Coronavirus

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In the midst of the international coronavirus outbreak, it can be difficult at times to parse through what is accurate or inaccurate information. Social media posts from people who aren’t experts or health officials can sometimes be confusing, providing misinformation that can be ultimately damaging to your health.

Coronavirus, or COVID-19, is an infectious respiratory condition first found in Wuhan, China and has since spread throughout the globe. While much is still being investigated, the condition is said to be spread among people who are in close proximity of one another — a distance of about six feet — and transmitted through droplets from a cough or a sneeze. Touching your face, such as rubbing your eyes or nose, is one of the clearest ways the virus seems to enter the body,  according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Here is a helpful breakdown of credible sources to seek out for accurate information and updates:

  • CDC: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a detailed website that links to a range of information from how the virus spreads, to symptoms to look out for, to ways to prevent and treat the virus. There are also helpful tools outlining proper protocol to follow for those leading prevention efforts in schools, businesses and healthcare centers. The CDC also has updates on where we stand right now when it comes to latest transmissions statistics domestically and around the world.
  • NYC Health: Like the CDC nationally, the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene has a comprehensive homepage outlining all things coronavirus. It includes latest updates on cases in the city as well as tips for carrying out proper hygiene practices.
  • Major healthcare systems: Leading healthcare institutions like Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, NYU Langone Health, and UCLA Health have all launched comprehensive websites outlining medically vetted information about the virus.
  • The New York Times: If you’re looking for the latest breaking news reported by an international team of seasoned journalists, follow The New York Times’s live updates on the outbreak. You can find the latest reporting on where the virus is appearing and information on safety protocols issued by local, national and International governing bodies.

As always, if you have concerns and questions specifically tied to your own health, consult your personal doctor.